Monitoring Categories
Live performance indicator
Services Call status
Assets actual status and conditions
Asset tasks log and documentation.
Reactive Maintenance: faults and urgent faults reports
Preventative Maintenance: routine, periodic and annual inspections.
Annual spend
Ongoing projects, design and construction
Contractor management
SLA Attendance and Compliance
Ipsum City is a cloud-based Asset and Fault Management System that helps organizations manage their assets maintenance, annual spending, SLAs, and ongoing projects.
Report and follow up on Service Calls for Reactive and Preventive Maintenance in an easy, simple and timely way from the Web or Mobile Application.
Manage assignments to contractors and internal staff.
Locate your assets and have all the information in one place
Access to the historical job documents and photos of your assets
Asset locator map by district and category.
Task Board to organize your tasks and work teams
Cost management
Ipsum City
Real-time Fault Reporting
Ipsum City can automate faults and assign them to the appropriate
contractor, not limited to the following:
Lights out of order (Blackout).
Lamp faults – The fault should report the lamp colour and associated signal group.
Below ground detection fault – inductive loop fault.
Above ground detection fault – push button, kerbside or MVD.
Communications faults.
Ipsum City also has the ability to perform the following functions:
Download all fault logs and controller configurations.
Remotely upload new controller configuration;3G/4G or Internet of Things (IoT) communication with a traffic controller or asset thatwill send Errors/Warnings and Alarms. For example ambient temperature, air quality, noise, water levels / flood levels (gully monitoring).
Benefits to the Client:
Client Focused Giving Council Back Control
Predicative Modelling for Maintenance Budgets
Live Data on Current Weekly / Monthly Spend
QR Code Check-In Procedure to Date / Time Stamp Start and Finish Times
Live Communication with assets
Extract fault errors
Automated Maintenance Jobs
Asset Lifecycle Management
Equipment Warranty Enforcement
Full Digital Asset Stack
Historical Digital Fault Log on Mobile App
Periodic inspection Checklist
Easy To Use Uber style App Displays All Live Jobs
Dedicated Real-Time “Second App” for Council Foremen and Engineers
Alerts When Job Complete
Automated Asset Monitoring and Reporting
Traceability and Transparency
Predictive Maintenance using Artificial Intelligence
Digital Document Control
Secure Cloud Based Technology – Accessible Across All Platforms
Real-Time Data / Engineers On-Site
Contractor Performance Stats – SLA’s / KPI’s
IoT Ready – Compatible with LoRA, SigFox and NBIoT Networks
Android and iOS Ready