ATSC4 SCATS Traffic Controller
Introducing the ATSC4 Traffic Controller, this is the new generation controller developed to the Roads & Maritime Services (Australia) TCS/4 specification. The ATSC4 is capable of managing up to 32 signal (phase) group displays and up to 64 inputs from vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles or emergency services. It is an integral part of any modern adaptive Urban Traffic Management Control (UTMC) system and is fully SCATS® compatible the controller can operate independently in isolated mode, can be connected to SCATS® for system operation or in a mains frequency coordinated flexible plan operation mode.
User Interface
A unique windows laptop interface program, ATSUI, provides an extensive, easy to interpret interface to the controller which delivers a comprehensive colour display of the live intersection, communications monitors, lamp switching, detector inputs and has access to all operating and timing functions, including fault reporting.
The ATSC4 is designed for all weather conditions with a vandal proof cabinet and modular construction for ease of maintenance. The controller can operate with a variety of power supply options, with low power consumption. The ATSC4 is capable of managing all types of lanterns including, incandescent, quartz halogen and LED. This controller has been designed, developed and tested to internationally accepted safety standards, features such as last red and flashing yellow provide added safety during malfunctions. The ATSC4 is a state of the art Traffic Signal Controller that has distributed processors in all modules able to report detailed statistical information as well as configuration information. All individual information can be accessed via the advanced ATSUI program on a laptop PC.
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